2020/03/02 「第1回 セリスタ ワークショップ」延期のご連絡
2020年3月14日(土)に開催を予定しておりました『第1回 セリスタワークショップ/医学の未来~生命、医学と健康幸福の科学的統合』の開催につきましては、誠に残念ではありますが新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大予防並びにメイン講師のDr. Jibin Chiの来日が延期になった為、会の延期を決定致しました。
“The Future of Medicine - A scientific integration on life, medicine and wellbeing”
今回のワークショップでは抗加齢医学における先駆者でもあります満尾正先生を座長にお迎えし、統合医療を実践されている羽賀学先生のレクチャーを皮切りに、Jibin Chi先生が開発を手掛けた心拍変動データからカオス・フラクタル解析よって今体内が抱えている様々な課題を抽出し、更にそれに対するソリューションについて詳しく解析して頂きます。Jibin Chi先生と小職は20年来の親友で、予防医療、統合医療において常に最先端の情報を提供して頂いてきたスウェーデン在住の中国系オランダ人のメディカルドクターです。会の後半では実際の測定方法とソリューションをハンズオン形式で解説して頂きます。測定で使用するのはJibin Chi先生も開発に携わっている『CHI Fractal BioAnalysis™ System:心拍変動フラクタル解析システム』で、両手首から5分間心拍変動を読み取り、そのデータからカオス・フラクタル解析を行うことで体内の様々な課題を抽出する測定器です。
セリスタ株式会社 代表取締役 伊藤承正
伊藤 承正
セリスタ株式会社 / 代表取締役
満尾 正 先生
「複雑系理論の概要と CHI Fractal BioAnalysis™ System」
羽賀 学 先生
医療法人 羽賀心臓血管外科クリニック/理事長・院長
“The Future of Medicine - A scientific integration on life, medicine and wellbeing”
「医学の未来 ~ 生命、医学と健康幸福の科学的統合 」
Dr. Jibin Chi MD. MBA. MBI
Principal, CHI Awakening
President, Channel Biomedical Group
The Future of Medicine - A scientific integration on life, medicine and wellbeing
Dr. Jibin Chi MD.MBA.MBI
CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden
【About the seminar】
In this unprecedented workshop style seminar, Dr. Chi will take you on a scientific journey of understanding about life and how fundamental principles of energy have been universally applied across different cultures, religions and scientific discoveries. In addition to an exploration and cross reference describing how ancient wisdoms coincide with modern science and medicine, Dr. Chi will demonstrate how our health and well-being is influenced by the so called “Butterfly Effect”. Just like the simple flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil may set off a tornado weeks later in Texas, instead of dwelling on this “tornado” of future health concerns, the future of medicine should be focused to identify the early flapping wings of that small butterfly.
This talk will be facilitated with case studies, live demonstration on “Fractal” health analysis to identify the Butterfly Effect behind our health status. In addition, Dr. Chi shall conduct healing, breathing and meditation exercises for the participants. The objective of this seminar is to enable participants with a renewed view and understanding on health and diseases, which in hope shall profoundly transform your approach towards your medical practice and ready to embrace the future of medicine.
今回のワークショップスタイルのセミナーでは、生命とエネルギーの基本原則が異なる文化、宗教、科学的発見がどのように普遍的に適用されてきたかについての科学的な理解を深めていきます。古代の知恵が現代科学や医学とどのように一致するかを説明する探査と相互参照に加えて、私たちの健康と幸福がいわゆる「蝶の効果(Butterfly Effect)」によってどのように影響されているかを実証します。ブラジルの小さな蝶の羽の羽ばたきが、テキサス州で数週間後に竜巻を引き起こすかも知れないように、この「竜巻」のように将来健康上の問題が起こらないように、早い段階でその小さな「蝶の羽ばたきの翼」を識別し焦点を当てる必要があります。
【About Dr. Jibin Chi】
Dr. Chi obtained his medical degree from Medical University of China in 1988 and undertook graduate research in Tohoku University in Japan in the field of preventative dentistry in the middle of 90's. Thereafter he obtained a Master degree in International Business Administration and a Master degree in Business Informatics from Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands in the late 90’s.
In his professional career, Dr. Chi has worked in preventative medicine, biopharmaceutical, tissue engineering, medical device and biotech companies across Australia, China, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Sweden. In the past three decades, Dr. Chi has been specialized in translational medicine to bring innovation and scientific advancement into the medical community.
Owning to this diverse experience and knowledge, Dr. Chi has been engaged in various academic activities and has been an invited speaker to diverse scientific conferences. Most recently he served as an international faculty member at the 47th Annual Meeting of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) and an invited speaker at the 7th Diabetes Asia Study Group meeting and the 19th International Symposium on Diabetes. His disruptive theory on diabetes and cancer has received increasing recognition in the medical community.
In addition to his work in the mainstream medicine, Dr. Chi has also served as a scientific lecturer, energy therapist and meditation instructor at "Holiday at the Sea" medical wellness cruise in USA, one of the top-100 wellness holidays voted by the National Geographic Magazine. His lectures and workshops have been CME and CE credited by the University of Miami. Today Dr. Chi has established CHI Awakening Academy in Sweden with an aim to promote “Conscious Health Initiative”, a CHI concept. His exceptional work and dedication towards understanding the scientific essence of life and air breathing has entitled him to become the first laureate to the prestige “Art of Air” Award in the category of science in 2018 and 2019.
Dr. Chi is a Dutch national and is currently taking a residence in Sweden. He speaks English, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese.
伊藤 承正
セリスタ株式会社 / 代表取締役
東京都千代田区岩本町1-5-8 東京雄星ビル4F
TEL:03-3863-1003 / FAX:03-3863-1004